An adaption of a fascinating and entertaining article which will give tips for better writing – and don’t we all want that!  The original article can be found at:


Do you think you sound more clever when you use ‘big words’?

When people use words that don’t match their personality or don’t match the situation, they just sound silly.

Everyone (well, except people who are paid by the word) prefers simple English and simple sentence structure.

The best writing is simple and sweet. Clear and concise. It has a bite and it has a flavor, without all the fluff.

Maybe you can use some of these tips:

1. Focus on an objective

Then your  writing will come to you more easily and quickly. Avoid fluff – “sentences that sound meaningful but deliver nothing”.

Read good writing widely. Record tips that help your writing improve and use those tips. Write about something you are familiar with. Want to share it with your readers.

2. Be focused – and descriptive

Use words that pack a punch and help the reader to visualize what you are describing.

3. Use simple words

Only use longer words only if those are the only words to express what you want to say and how you want to say it.

4. Construct shorter sentences

Keep sentences short – there are digital aids to ‘read over’ and ‘grade’ sentence structure and length.

5. The active voice – makes it real

You make a sentence active by writing sentences with Subject, then Verb then Object, as in “the girl ate the candy’.

The opposite is true. If you write ‘the candy was eaten by the girl’,which is the object, then the verb, then the noun,it makes it harder for the brain to untangle the meaning. The brain prefers things that are easy.

6. Stick to short paragraphs

…as newspapers do. The human brains can absorb information more easily if it is broken into smaller pieces of information.

7. Remove fluff

Mark Twain suggested the following: “Substitute damn every time you’re inclined to write very; your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be.”

8. Be strict about not rambling

Keep to what you say and don’t go off point. Your readers will stay focused!

9. Say it once

Repeating yourself will put your readers into noddy land!

10. Don’t over write

Short. Sweet. Simple. No hyperbole. No wasted superlatives!

11. Edit ruthlessly

Write and plan to delete about 50% of the manuscript. Then you will be left with the essence of the story.

Do this in three stages: 1) Write what you wanted to write. 2) Detach yourself by delaying your editing by a day or at least a few hours. Do something different in between. 3) Get a coffee and run in there to edit your work!

While we will never be perfect people or writers, using the tips will help you get on the right route!